AMC is Arizona’s oldest & largest rock climbing community.
The Arizona Mountaineering Club was founded in 1964 for the purpose of promoting and teaching safe rock climbing.
Our Mission is to provide educational opportunities, climbing experiences, advocacy to protect our climbing resources, and stewardship of the Arizona Outdoors by promoting volunteerism and community engagement.
Today, the AMC has over 300 members who are involved in all aspects of rock climbing, mountaineering and various other outdoor sports. AMC members range from the occasional weekend climber to those who attempt the highest mountains around the world.
If you don’t know how to climb rock, the AMC offers Training with an emphasis on safety and self-rescue. AMC offers a comprehensive curriculum covering all aspects of rock climbing, including anchors, advanced rope-work, and lead climbing. Beyond rock climbing, AMC offers training seminars and climbing opportunities in the broader Mountaineering skills ranging from glacier travel to ice climbing.
If you already have climbing skills and experience, join other members on some of our regular outings – a great way to meet new friends and discover new climbing areas.
Our Land Advocacy Committee works on issues related to maintaining and improving access to climbing areas. Take a look at our information on current Access Issues.
Membership dues are $40 per calendar year for a single membership and $50 per calendar year for a family membership.
The AMC holds a monthly membership meeting, generally on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm. Check the calendar for specific dates and locations. The monthly meeting provide another great way to meet other climbers and to get introduced to the AMC – meetings are open to members and non-members alike. After a short business meeting, a program is presented to the members. Programs range from slide shows by famous and not-so-famous climbers to rock climbing videos and everything in between.
The AMC publishes a monthly newsletter that has insightful articles, photos, and general information regarding a variety of topics. It’s a fun and informative read and a great place to share outdoor adventures.